Training Center
What Do The Numbers Mean? Sizing Our Toys
Artemis 65? Lotus 120? Apex 142? Huh?When it's time to size up for a new toy, sometimes it takes more effort than it should. It's very common to see toys being sold as "Small", "Medium", "Large" etc. Every toy maker has... more »
A Top's Perspective
If you've been a dedicated follower of this blog, you'll know that our writers at Topped Toys provide a delicious blend of inspiration, instruction, and toe-curlingly graphic experiences. More often than not, these stories are taken from the... more »
Which Size Tail Raiser Is Right For Me?
The Tail Raiser is an ingenious ergonomic plug that will hug your hole for hours. At roughly 5” insertable across the entire collection, they're so comfortable that you can simply pop one in and set the timer to reach your plug time goals.... more »
KINK3D Chastity Cage & Ring Guides
Chastity CagesWhen measuring flaccid length, allow the penis to hang naturally. Measure along the top side of the penis from base (where it meets the body) to tip.We suggest measuring several times over the course of the day under "normal"... more »
Pump It Up with Cunt & Rosebud Pumps
You can picture it right now, can't you? A plump, puffy, luscious, donut-shaped cunt that is just begging to be made-out with, stretched out, and ravaged. It's the perfect bullseye for cocks, fists, and toys. With enhanced sensations then... more »
Depth and Railing - Exploring Your Deepest Reaches
So you've already read and memorized every word of Depth Training 101, right? Good. Depth play opens up a whole new world of pleasure, one that is completely unique from girthy toys and plugs. That deep, soul-shaking feeling as a toy slinks... more »
Topped Talk 2023: Expanding Your Hole-Horizons
William Cowper (sadly not the same William Cowper who discovered the Cowper's Glands, where precum is made) famously wrote "Variety is the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor.” We couldn't agree more. We all love what we... more »
Erebus Commands Respect - Testimonies from Hungry Holes
EMBRACE THE POWER OF EREBUS The Erebus Collection was our first foray into fantasy dildos, and holes around the world fell in love instantly. We've brought together some extra-mouthwatering reviews to really drive home what makes Erebus such a uniquely... more »
Which Size Cetos Is Right For Me?
Cetos is a hole stretcher that is not to be underestimated. In 5 sizes, you've got everything you need to become truly cavernous. The Cetos is a multi-faceted toy that will rearrange your insides completely. It's a sturdy depth and girth stretcher... more »
Which Size Hilt Is Right For Me?
There's really nothing like a thick knot to drive you wild. You've been eyeing up a Hilt for a while now, haven't you.. we don't blame you. Those strong carved features, that big knot, it just screams "take me, or cum trying!!" And yes, we know you furries... more »