Apex Description


The Apex is the pinnacle of cone-plugs. If you thought you were holding this one in on sheer hole-clenching power for more than a moment, you've got another thing coming. This huge, aggressive lip-thrasher was designed from the ground up to subvert your expectations and torture your cunt. As you navigate down its smooth tapered head, getting wider and wider until its max circumference, you better brace yourself... its aggressive flare drops off fast, snapping your lips around the fat honeycomb textured neck in an instant. With less flare to hold onto than The Grip, the Apex wants to fall right out of you, only to be shoved in again and again. Reps on the Apex are hard and brutal thanks to its sheer flat flare, guaranteed to tire your hole out and leave you hanging open. The Apex is also bliss to rest all your weight on and lock in, grinding and twisting on it to rub that honeycomb textured neck around your strained sensitive lips. You won't last a minute like that. Prepare to reach the Apex of pleasure.